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Sunday Morning Options For Your Children

We love to have children with us on Sundays! We provide different options to make it easier for you to bring your children to experience worship. If you need help finding any of these resources, ask anyone wearing a Greeter badge or a Deacon badge. They'll be glad to help you.

Nursery: We provide vetted and trained nursery attendants for both our 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM services. All you have to do is check your child in (the attendants will take your phone number in case they need to reach you).

How to get to the Nursery: From the main Entry Foyer, take the left hallway. The Nursery is Room #2 on the right.

Cry Room: We provide a Cry Room with a view of the sanctuary and audio speakers so you can enjoy the service with your active children. The Cry Room has comfortable chairs and a couch for adults, and access to the Nursery so children can bring toys back and forth.

How to get to the Cry Room: In the main Entry Foyer, look for the clearly marked entrance on the left.

Children's Activity Packs: For quieter children who want to stay in the sanctuary, we provide activity packs that include coloring books, activity books, crayons, stickers, notepads, and simple wooden figurines. Find these activity packs in a box in the main Entry Foyer.

Sunday School: We offer Sunday School during the 9:00 AM service for children ages 4-10. Families can enjoy the first part of the worship service together; then during the Greeting and Passing of the Peace, children may be excused to go to Sunday School.

During the Summer, we have one class for ages 4-10, during the Fall and Spring, we offer a class for 4-6 year olds and a class for 7-10 year olds. Learn more about this year's Sunday School offerings.

On Fifth Sunday worship services and other Sundays when we only have one service at 10:00 AM, we cancel Sunday School and invite families to enjoy worship together.

Children's Choir: Our Children's Choir rehearses on Sundays from 10:00 to 10:25 and they will perform once a month in worship. Learn more about Children's Choir.


8000 Miami Ave, Madeira, OH 45243  ·  513-791-4470  ·

© 2023 Madeira-Silverwood Presbyterian Church

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