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Holy Week Services

The week between Palm Sunday and Easter is full of opportunities for you to grow in faith and enrich your trust in Jesus. We invite you to join us for any of these great opportunities


Palm Sunday March 24 @ 6:00 PM – Following the Footsteps Film.

Jesus teaches the way to a full life that is overflowing with meaning, purpose, and peace.  He invites you to become His follower.  Learn about growing as a follower of Jesus through this documentary about a band of pilgrims exploring the Holy Land.  Be inspired as these pilgrims visit the sites where Jesus walked, lived, and taught.  As you hear their stories of transformation and growth, you’ll be challenged to take your next step of faith following the footsteps of Jesus.  (Learn more here)


Maundy Thursday March 28 @ 7:00 PM – Maundy Thursday Communion Service

In a hectic world filled with voices selling us quick fixes and easy answers, it can be easy to lose sight of what really matters.  Jesus gives us direction both in his teaching and his actions.  Come escape from the relentless demands of the world and renew your sense of clarity about what matters most.  Sit at Jesus' feet and learn from him; remember the Last Supper, receive Christ’s grace anew, and recommit yourself to Jesus' great commandment: “Love one another.”


Good Friday March 29 @ 12:00 Noon – Good Friday Contemplative Service

Who is God and what is God like?  Does God even care what’s happening in the world?  Does God pay attention to what’s going on in our hearts?  God answers these questions with one powerful event in history:  the cross.  In this simple half hour service of scripture, song, and silent contemplation, we invite you to reflect on Christ’s great sacrifice and deepen your experience of his great love for you.  


Easter Sunday March 31 @ 9:00 – Fellowship Breakfast

Celebrate with breakfast and joyful fellowship. Bring cut flowers from your garden to decorate our flower cross.  Not a gardener?  No problem! We have cut flowers for you.  Bring your children for an Easter egg hunt.  Take part in the Easter processional behind the flower cross. Rejoice with us in the goodness of celebrating together.


Easter Sunday March 31 @ 10:00 – Easter Worship Service

Raise your voices in joyful celebration as we bring the whole congregation together for this single worship service, celebrating Christ’s victory. 


The Resurrection changes everything.  It leads to life transformation.  The joy of new life is not simply a one day event.  It is a fruit of a life spent in following Jesus.  The power that raised Christ from the dead is the same power that works through His followers. Come and experience that power in your life in a fresh new way!



8000 Miami Ave, Madeira, OH 45243  ·  513-791-4470  ·

© 2023 Madeira-Silverwood Presbyterian Church

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