Seniors, you don't want to miss the Face to Face retreat. This experience will give you a deeper, more meaningful encounter with the risen Christ that will shape every other relationship in your life. You will discover how to make a deeper impact on the world around you by living a life centered on Jesus Christ.
Face to Face is an adaptation of the popular Walk to Emmaus retreat that is specifically crafted to meet the needs and life stages of older adults. The program invites men and women, ages 60 and older, to experience Jesus through a series of 14 enriching spiritual talks covering subjects such as discipleship, mission, grief, and end-of-life issues. You will be inspired, challenged, and equipped for Christian action in your home, church, and community.
The Greater Cincinnati Emmaus Community invites you to participate in this special program being held at Trinity United Methodist Church in Milford, OH. Dates are April 23, 25, 27, and 30 (there are no overnight stays involved) from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Take advantage of this opportunity to:
Rediscover Christ’s presence
Gain fresh understanding of God’s Transforming grace
Form friendships that foster faith and spiritual maturity
For more information about this event or other Emmaus Community events, contact the church office and we'll have our Emmaus leaders be in touch with you.