Our Mission Committee partners with Transforming Jail Ministries (TJM) as part of our mission to serve the community in the name of Christ.
When you are incarcerated, there are few options and many moments of indecision and confusion. TJM provides chaplains to counter those moments. At each jail facility in Hamilton County, trained chaplains spend time in conversation, in prayer and in reflection with the incarcerated men and women. Their fundamental role is to be available; their fundamental task is to respond to the incarcerated men and women who have requested to see a chaplain.
One of the ways TJM has asked for our help is in providing reading glasses that they can distribute to incarcerated individuals who request them. This is a simple way of helping people connect with God's word. The Mission Committee will be collecting new or gently used PLASTIC reading glasses during the month of April for TJM. We ask that they be plastic frames for safety reasons and that the vision strength is clearly marked so they can give the people the strength they need. Last year, we collected 62 pairs of glasses and 48 copies of the New Testament/Psalms for Transforming Jail Ministries! Let's see if we can surpass that number this year!
There are more ways to be involved in TJM. As of April 2024, they have posted two urgent needs for volunteers:
Looking For New Board Members
Transforming Jail Ministries is looking for additional Board members to help manage and expand the ministry. We are looking for energetic, committed people who wish to help the forgotten men and women who are incarcerated in Hamilton County jails. Prospective Board members may have any type of background. We do have specific needs for those who have either a spiritual, mentoring, fund raising, marketing, or media background. Please call Brad Weber for further information 513-314-0042, or e-mail him at DTLFCB@gmail.com.
Looking For An Administrative Volunteer
TJM is also looking for a volunteer to help us with some administrative work at our office in Covington. If you have experience and would be willing to help for a few hours a week/month, please email us at contact@tjmi.org.