Do you love the beauty and fragrance of flowers? Do you want to share them with others? Do you want to celebrate a special person or occasion in your life?
You can share the joy of flowers by sponsoring flowers to decorate the sanctuary for our Sunday morning services. By doing so, you will not only beautify our worship space, but also express your kindness and gratitude to God and His people. Flowers are a lovely way to rejoice, comfort, and appreciate. They are also a reflection of God’s love and care for us, as He made them for our delight and satisfaction.
Our Deacons co-ordinate flower orders via the sign-up chart in the sanctuary entry foyer. You can find the chart right beside the door to the cry room. If you're having trouble, just ask an usher.
To sign up, simply find a date that is open and write your name upon it. Then take a flower order form from the folder below the chart, fill it out, and return it to the office with $55 (or $65 if you would like to keep the vase). Alternatively, you can contact the church office during the week and we'll help you find an open date.
On the Sunday that you donate flowers, you or your designee may take them home after the last worship service. If you didn't purchase the vase, you can speak to the Deacon serving that morning to get a cellophane flower carrier, if you would like one. Or, you may leave the flowers at the church, and we'll use them to decorate the Fireside room for church meetings.
Thanks so much for your interest in sponsoring flowers to adorn the sanctuary!