You want to regularly share your faith, but you don't know how to do it naturally and effectively. Our mission partners with The Gideons International are here to help. Join us on June 30 as we present Conversations: A Simple Approach to Sharing the Gospel.
This FREE 2 1/2 hour workshop will help you rediscover the simplicity of the good news of Jesus Christ and equip you with practical ways to share that good news with confidence.
What you'll learn:
What Is the Gospel? People are longing for good news - something to hold onto that won't let them go. The Gospel of Jesus Christ provides this hope through eternal life. This section will help participants define what the Gospel is in a world filled with false gospels.
Why Share the Gospel? Life is full of activity that grabs our attention. Before we know it, we are caught up in various activities that compete for our time, our energy, and our resources. Participants will consider what is most important in their lives and discover three critical reasons to share their faith.
The Basics of Sharing the Gospel. At times, sharing the Gospel can feel difficult. It's easy to be intimidated by doubts about our abilities. We may think "how do I respond to this question," or "what If I'm asked a question I can't answer?" Participants will learn God's role and our responsibility in sharing the gospel. Through unpacking the L.E.A.P. acronym, they will gain confidence in gospel interactions.
Tools and Resources. Sharing our faith is a conversation, not a presentation. Even so, there are helpful tools and resources that help us in guiding Gospel conversations. Following a clear and renewed understanding of the Gospel, participants will now interact and leave with practical tools that will help in inviting someone to take the next step toward Christ.
Call to Commitment. God calls every follower of Christ to make His name known. Personal commitment to invite people to follow Jesus is crucial in the daily life of a Christian. In conclusion, participants will evaluate what they have learned and consider their next steps as together we seek to fulfill the Great Commission.
As part of this workshop, you'll receive a workbook, a Gideons pocket Bible (ESV translation), and an introduction to the Gideon Bible App.
When and Where and How to Register
Our workshop will be held in the Madeira-Silverwood Chapel on Sunday, June 30 from 6:00-8:30 PM (there will be a break).
For those interested, we will serve a light dinner at 5:30 PM ($10 suggested donation).
RSVP via a Sunday Morning Connect Card or with our online registration tool.
We look forward to seeing YOU at the Conversations workshop.