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Come Celebrate at PYC Fall Fest

The Presbyterian Youth Council is hosting its annual Fall Festival for junior high and high school aged students. This year’s festivities will be held at Crestview Presbyterian Church in West Chester on Sunday, October 6th from 5:00 to 7:30 PM. 

Come and enjoy a pizza dinner, unique and inventive games, live worship music, and fellowship with peers from around Cincinnati. This year the PYC has also created an opportunity to serve the mission group Matthew 25 Ministries. The students will be creating blankets, so the PYC is asking everyone to please bring four yards of fleece material to make them.

For more information or to RSVP to this event please contact the church, email us at or fill out a connect card in your Sunday order of worship.

 For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them. – Matthew 18:20


8000 Miami Ave, Madeira, OH 45243  ·  513-791-4470  ·

© 2023 Madeira-Silverwood Presbyterian Church

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