You've experienced the grace and goodness of Christ. You've felt the power and presence of the Holy Spirit in your life. You've come to a deeper appreciation of your identity as a beloved child of God the Father.
Now, you want to share all that goodness. But you don't know how.
Our May/June teaching series is designed just for you! Come and See: Becoming an Invitational Christian will help you re-frame how you think about personal evangelism. This series will help you relax, trust the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, and be open to the people that God has uniquely wired you to reach.
Mark your calendar and plan to be here for these special Sundays:
May 19. Empowered By The Spirit. Acts 2:1-41. Learn how the Holy Spirit gives you all the power you need to be the instrument of Christ's grace where you are right now.
May 26. People Of Peace. Luke 10:1-7. Learn to recognize the people who God has prepared you to reach.
June 1. Prayer For Enlightenment. Ephesians 1:15-23. Learn to continually grow in your understanding and trust in the power of God.
June 9. Godly Conversation. Colossians 4:2-6. Learn about the subtle power of mindful conversation.
June 16. Come And See. John 1:35-50. Learn about the basic invitation we are called to offer.
June 23. Be Prepared. I Peter 3:8-17. Learn about simple things you can do to prepare to be a more effective invitational Christian.