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Advent Series: It's a Wonderful Life

There are no forgotten people. You may feel insignificant or unseen, but God has his eyes on you. You may feel like you don't make a difference, but your life matters to many more people than you ever imagined.   Life may feel difficult right now but have faith that God's transformative love will turn your struggles into mighty testimonies. 

Our Advent series "It's a Wonderful Life" is a collection of stories and a journey of rediscovering hope and faith. It tells the stories of people who thought they were forgotten, unseen, and abandoned. Come and renew your hope as we learn how God worked in the lives of a widow, a man languishing in prison, a woman yearning to have a child, and a people groaning under oppression. Along the way, we'll remember that Jesus's birth was good news for the people on the fringes, the margins, and the forgotten. 

No matter how humble, is a wonderful life because every life is a work of art designed by God.  Join us in December for "It's a Wonderful Life."

Messages in the Series:

· Sunday, December 1: "God Sees You When You're Desperate."  I Kings 17:1-24.

 · Sunday, December 8: "God Sees You When You're Longing for Change."  I Samuel 1:1-20

· Sunday, December 15: "God Sees You When You're Forgotten."  Genesis 40:1-23

· Sunday, December 22: "God Shows He Sees Us By Becoming One Of Us."  Luke 2:1-12.   This Sunday, we have a single 10:00 am worship service featuring our children's Christmas pageant and our Choir's Christmas cantata woven through the entire service. 

Tuesday, December 24: "God Sees His People And Sends Hope."  Exodus 3:1-17.  Our 7:00 pm Christmas Eve service will be a musically rich service featuring brass accompaniment, celebratory choral pieces, congregational hymn singing, and a traditional candle lighting ceremony.

"God remembers people when they are down and rescues them from trouble" Psalm 136:23:



8000 Miami Ave, Madeira, OH 45243  ·  513-791-4470  ·

© 2023 Madeira-Silverwood Presbyterian Church

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