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Worship Services: March 9th - 9 am & 11 am
Isaiah: God's Messiah Will Right Our Wrongness - Isaiah 11:1-16
Worship Opportunities

Worship Resources For Sunday
Welcome to our worship service's online worship resource portal for Sunday, March 9, 2025. Whether you join us online or in person in the...

Lenten Sermon Series on Isaiah
This Lent, we will explore highlights from the Book of Isaiah. Isaiah lived 700 years before Jesus, ministering during a time when God's...

Join Us for our Ash Wednesday Worship Services
Lent is a season of preparation for Easter - a time of reflection and spiritual growth. Ash Wednesday is the holiday that begins Lent...

Celebrate Scouting on Scout Sunday
Please save the date for our next Scouting Sunday: February 9, 2025! Madeira-Silverwood is proud to invest in youth leadership and...

Join Us for the "Welcoming Space" Sermon Series This February!
This February, we're excited to launch our Welcoming Space  Capital campaign, which will fund the restoration of a portion of our parking...

A New Worship Choir Begins at MSPC. Will You Be a Part?
Are you ready to embark on a musical and spiritual journey? MSPC is excited to announce the formation of a Worship Choir and warmly...

Special Services Wrap Up Christmas Season
**Sunday, December 22 - Worship Service:** Join us for a heartwarming celebration this Sunday at 10:00 am as we approach the joyful...

Advent Series: It's a Wonderful Life
There are no forgotten people. You may feel insignificant or unseen, but God has his eyes on you. You may feel like you don't make a...

Join the MSPC Coffee Team
A steaming cup of coffee can enhance the worship experience. It warms our hearts, invigorates our spirits, and symbolizes our commitment...

Elemental Church Planning Informs Stewardship
During this season, we ask you to prayerfully consider pledging to financially support Madeira-Silverwood in 2025. Financial giving is a...

The Meaning of Membership
What does it mean to be a member of a church? Pastor Smith will help us grapple with this question through a three-part sermon series by...

Wings of Love Butterfly Release
MSPC is here to support those who are hurting. Our Wings of Love Butterfly Release service is an opportunity for all those who have lost...

Fascination With God
Awe, wonder, amazement. These emotions foster emotional well-being and better health. A recent article in Psychology Today summarizes...

New Daily Devotionals Available
One of the most important spiritual disciplines for growing in your faith is a daily time of prayer and reflection on God's word. Jesus...

Join the Chancel Choir
Our Chancel Choir begins rehearsal at 6:30 PM on Thursday, August 29 , and we want you to join us. When you sing in the Chancel Choir,...

Rooted: The Values That Nourish Our Faith
Join us for our Summertime teaching series Rooted: The Values That Nourish Our Faith. This series arises from the work of our Elemental...

June 30, Fifth Sunday 10:00 AM Worship
Fifth Sundays are our family time together, when we hold a single Sunday morning worship service and design it with a different musical...

Come and See: Becoming An Invitational Christian
You've experienced the grace and goodness of Christ. You've felt the power and presence of the Holy Spirit in your life. You've come to...

April 2024 Sermon Series: Called to Serve
Jesus calls us to follow Him. He teaches us to pray to the Father "May Your kingdom come, may Your will be done on earth as it is in...

Holy Week Services
The week between Palm Sunday and Easter is full of opportunities for you to grow in faith and enrich your trust in Jesus. We invite you...

Join the Lay Reader Team
Our Worship Arts Lay Reader Team is a great way for you to serve the church. Lay Readers help lead worship by reading the scripture of...

Children's Choir
We are excited to announce the start of our Children's Choir for the 2023-2024 season! Singing in a children's or youth choir is a great...

Abide: Dwelling with Christ in the Rhythms of Life (Sunday Worship December 31 - February 4)
Did you know that the average American spends seven hours looking at a screen each day? That's over a quarter of our lives! No wonder we...

Donate Flowers For Sunday Worship
Do you love the beauty and fragrance of flowers? Do you want to share them with others? Do you want to celebrate a special person or...

Advent, Christmas, and New Year's Services
The end of year holidays are always a joyful and celebratory time. Join us for these special services during the Advent, Christmas, and...

Your Children Take the Stage In Our Family Worship Christmas Play
Your child will love taking the stage to be part of our children’s Christmas play Bright Christmas: An Angel Remembers. We all delight in...

Women's Advent Event
Celebrate the Season with Us! The holiday season is just around the corner, and what better way to kick off the festivities than by...

Engage More Deeply With God by Going On A Mini Pilgrimage
Take two hours out of the ordinary to draw closer to God on short journeys throughout the Cincinnati area. Join Jamie Noyd, our mission...
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